Joshua started kindergarten this past week and our little man is officially all grown up. Meanwhile, Hailey started her first day at pre-school.
A couple weekends ago we went to the animal shelter and adopted Bella, our new cat. She's really fun and the kids can't get enough of her... hence why she sleeps under the bed so much.
A visit to the McBee Farms Museum.
Cute. I forget Hailey's old enough for kids both have post-cutoff bdays, so they're a 'year behind' most friends at church.
McBee farms has such good food...have you tried their apple burrito things?
Looks like y'all had fun the last little bit of the summer. Happy Birthday Hailey! So,your little cat, Bella, is so cute! Nice name too! We miss y'all!
thank you bella is now pretty much a stinker now. and she made some nice kitty friends and was very happy. thanks for happy commets!!
Hailey Nicole Hatch
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